
Love for Redheads

Last weekend was Easter weekend!

And here's a doodle of my character from me & my buddies' role-playing game (:


Spring is here!

Yesterday was Earth Day and tomorrow is Easter! Have a great weekend!


Workin' hard for the money

Work-related things!

This or something like it will be appearing in a Portland Phoenix ad for Casablanca Comics! Maybe you'll see something similar on a t-shirt somewhere, someday...
...and this is the sign on our door in Windham (we're closed on Easter).
I'm really quite glad that I took this picture before I colored it because, like usual, my attempt to add color to my lines ruined it.


Colouring time

There are obvious reasons why I encourage Sally to participate in extra colouring time...


Kraven the hunter

I'm sorry, Kraven, but it's so hard to take you seriously when you wear leopard print, capri-cut pants and a zebra skin belt with brown ballet shoes.


Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends

I became a huge fan of Craig McCracken's genius mind back in the PowerPuff Girl days. When I first saw Foster's Home I immediately liked it before even realizing it was another of his creations. Today I spent some time doodling characters from the show.